Sunday 17 March 2013

Do face masks really work? Review of mine :)

As I'm sat watching Come Dine With Me with a gorgeous smelling raspberry smoothie face mask on my face, I am wondering whether what I am doing will actually make any sort of difference. Plus I'm bored enough to actually make a blog post about putting on a face mask!

I have always liked face masks, but I always sort of think that they are like a placebo effect type of thing - where you just convince yourself that your skin feels amazing afterwards, but do they have long term benefits? What does everyone else think? This is the mask I have used:

This face mask is from Montagne Jennesse and are 99p a sachet from Boots. You get one mask in each packet, but you get loads and you have plenty to use on your neck area too (even though I can't stand face mask on my neck!). They have loads of other really nice looking masks, like this self-heating fudge mask, which I will be using next!

So I've left it 15 minutes, I'd better wash it off! :)

The downside to these particular masks is that they are not the easiest to remove!
Yes my skin feels moisturised, yes it feels smooth, just like it said on the packet...but I've heard of so many people who have used masks and it has actually made their skin condition worse, which worries me a bit! Oh well, I have loads of face masks that I have been bought as presents so I might as well plough through them! :)

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