Hey everyone! I am feeling in quite a good mood at the moment, partly because my best friend Lamahra has decided to move back to Hull from Leeds! So that means I'll get to see her a lot more often! At the moment she is partying away in Ibiza, I hope she has an amazing time! Jealous!
I'm also looking forward to going out next Friday because its TOWIE night! 4 of the cast will be at a club in Hull and they are holding a karaoke competition so anyone can sing against them and if you beat them you win a prize! I am going with my other very good friend Polly and we are going to doll ourselves up TOWIE style!
My next week will pretty much consist of me riding my horse Ikoss and going to the gym everyday (or at least trying to!). I'm really into the gym at the moment and hopefully its paying off! Even though lately I have been eating very unhealthy food, so next week will be different! I do have this bastard wisdom tooth though that is determined to make my life hell at the moment, but so far I'm coping with the IMMENSE PAIN IN MY CHEEK!!! :(
Anyway, here is a wish list of items I would love from Amazon (I read like crazy and have way too many books but hey ho)

I would absolutely love a kindle! But the only thing is, all the books I want to read I probably already own at the moment in paperback, so I would have to buy them again to have them on my Kindle, but I still really want one! They are £150 from Amazon.

My friend Lamahra swears by this book. Apparently it is all about how to make yourself get what you want by having a positive attitude towards everybody and everything and surrounding yourself with positive things. I can definitely see how it can work for some people. I would love to have a read and see what it is all about. Its £6.90 from Amazon, not too bad. It does have quite good reviews too which makes it more tempting.

Not really sure what its about, but it has amazing reviews and for only £3.99 on Amazon you can't go wrong :)

I always like to try and read the books before I see the film version, so thats my reason here. £3.99 also :)

Jack is five. He lives with his Ma. They live in a single, locked room. They don’t have the key.
Jack and Ma are prisoners."
Doesn't that sound way too intriguing to ignore? £3.99
Memories define us. So what if you lost yours every time you went to sleep?
An original, haunting, and deeply chilling debut. Cool. Maybe not for £6.99 though, I'd accept it as a present!
"My name is David Wong. My best friend is John. Those names are fake. You might want to change yours. You may not want to know about the things you ll read on these pages, about the sauce, about Korrock, about the invasion, and the future. But it is too late. You touched the book. You are in the game. You are under the eye. The only defence is knowledge. You need to read this book, to the end. Even the part about the bratwurst. Why? You will just have to trust me. Unfortunately for us, if you make the right choice, we will have a much harder time explaining how to fight off the otherwordly invasion currently threatening to enslave humanity. I m sorry to have involved you in this, I really am. But as you read about these terrible events and the very dark epoch the world is about to enter as a result, it is crucial you keep one thing in mind: NONE OF THIS IS MY FAULT."
Awesome. £5.11 (pre-order only)
A book telling the story of a horses life on the front line in world war one. I am a horse lover so immediately wanted this book to have a good cry over! £3.51, Amazon
Thats about all I can think of right now!
I have had a busy night looking for clothes bargains on ebay too so I will share the ones I win with you! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx